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Flow related data objects


A flow


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the flow [null]
name string the name of the flow [not null]
owner string the UID of the flow owner
permissions Permissions access permissions
config flowConfig the configuration of the flow [not null]
description string a description of the flows functionality
workspaceId string the id of the workspace in which the flow was created
previewimage string an image of the flow on the canvas


Flow access permissions


Name Type Doc Constraints
Public bool visibility of a flow [null]
ReadOnly bool edit permission [not null]


A flowConfig


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the flow config [null]
name string the name of the flow [not null]
bricks list of brick a list of bricks used in the flow only for complete flow
connections list of connections a list of connections used in the flow only for complete flow
connectionConfigId string the ID of the connectionConfig object [not null]
autoscaleQueueLevel integer Output queue level (number of data packets) that triggers autoscaling
autoscaleMaxInstances integer Maximum number of instances for autoscaling
exitAfterIdleSeconds integer Idle time after which automatic teardown is triggered


flow connections and its configuration


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the flow config [not null]
owner string the UID of the flow owner
connections list of Connection the flows connections


Connection between bricks in a flow


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the flow config [not null]
source ConnectionEnd source end point [not null]
target ConnectionEnd target end point [not null]
buffer map BufferElement.ID-> BufferElement buffer of a connection
mapping list of MappedElement mapping of source and target ports
constants list of Constant flow constants


Brick and port of a connection end


Name Type Doc Constraints
port Port of the connection end [not null]
brick string brick instanceID of the connection end [not null]



Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the constant [not null]
name string constants name [not null]
type string ujo type name [not null]
value string value of the constant [not null]
mappedElements list of string list of elements at connections where it is mapped [not null]


A flows constant that can be used for mapping

Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the constant [not null]
name string constants name [not null]
type string ujo type name [not null]
value string value of the constant [not null]
mappedElements list of string list of elements at connections where it is mapped [not null]
elements list of Constant elements of record or object type constants


An element added to the connections buffer for downstream usage


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the id of the buffer element [not null]
source list of string the rule for adding to the buffer [not null]
value list of NestedTypeDefinition JSON representation of the schema of the bufferd type (element)


A mapped type element between source and target ports of a connection


Name Type Doc Constraints
usedElements []string the element ids used in the rule [not null]
rule MappingRule the rule for mapping type (elements) [not null]


Name Type Doc Constraints
type string type of the rule (constant, buffer, port) [not null]
sourceFields list of string source element to be mapped with its parents [not null]
targetFields list of string target element to be mapped with its parents [not null]
bufferId string id of the mapped buffer (if applicable)
constant NestedConstant constant to be mapped (if applicable)


A connections source or target port


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string port identification [not null]
typeName string type name as used in the schema [not null]
schema string ujo schema of a port [not null]


A brick


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string id of the brick type (see availabe brick) [not null]
instanceId string id of the brick instance [not null]
flowId string id of the flow [not null]
workspaceId string id of the workspace [not null]
family string brick family [not null]
name string brick name [not null]
parameters list of parameter parameters of the brick
autoscaleQueueLevel integer Output queue level that triggers autoscaling
autoscaleMaxInstances integer Maximum number of instances for autoscaling
exitAfterIdleSeconds integer Idle time after which automatic teardown is triggered
location location relative location on the canvas in the UI
portsdescription portsdescription short description of the ports [not null]
inputPorts list of port input ports
outputPorts list of port output ports
owner string the UID of the flow owner


Description of brick ports


Name Type Doc Constraints
schemaFile string file name of file with UJOschema port description
input map input port names: datatype Names
output map input port names: datatype Names


A brick ports


Name Type Doc Constraints
schema string UJOschema port description
name string port name
typeName string port type name in UJOSchema
JSONSchema list of NestedTypeDefinition JSON representation of schema
PopulatedJSON list of NestedTypeDefinition nested JSON representation of schema


structure of the port type's JSON representation


Name Type Doc Constraints
name string type name
type list of string type identifyier (list for limited variants)
key_value_types list of string types of key and value for maps [key, value] length = 2
list_type string type of a list
optional bool flag for optional object elements
doc string documentation of the type
constraints list of Constraint type limitations
--------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -----------
elements list of NestedTypeDefinition elements of objects/records without elements item
without elements item objects/records in these elements need own types

Note: A nestedTypeDefinition can contain the item "elements" if its type is "object" or "record". If one of these elements is itself is supposed to be of type object/record is not supportedto embed the elements of that nested record/object directly. A new NestedTypeDefinition needs to be defined and appended to the list of NestedTypeDefinitions for these nested objects/records. The name of that new type is to be used as "type" for the element.



Name Type Doc Constraints
length list of string length constraint
in list of string in constraint
notIn bool not in constraints
notNull bool not null constraints


Brick parameters


Name Type Doc Constraints
key string parameter key [not null]
value string parameter value
type string data type of the parameter


Relative location of a brick in x/y direction.


Name Type Doc Constraints
x float64 Relative location on Canvas x-direction [not null, in [0, 1]]
y float64 Relative location on Canvas y-direction [not null, in [0, 1]]