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Workspace related data objects


A workspace

Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the UID of the workspace [null]
name string the name of the workspace [not null]
owner Member the workspace owner
members list of Member the workspace members


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the UID of the member [null]
username string the username of the member's account [not null]
email string the email of the member [not null]


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the UID of the API [null]
name string the name of the API [not null]
path string the base path of the API [not null]
workspaceId string the ID of the workspace of the API [not null]
apiKey string API key (optional)
endpoints list of Endpoint endpoints of the API


Name Type Doc Constraints
id string the UID of the Endpoint
apiId string the UID of the API it belongs to [not null]
workspaceId string the ID of the workspace of the API [not null]
request Request the endpoints request [not null]
response Response the endpoints response [not null]


Name Type Doc Constraints
method string the http method of the request [not null]
path string the endpoints path [not null]
payload NestedTypeDefinition optional payload of the request


Name Type Doc Constraints
status int the response status code [not null]
payload NestedTypeDefinition optional payload of the request